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2022 Salmon Season

I cannot believe that it has been 4 years since I have updated my blog! Holy shit, that is almost unforgivable! Before you judge too much, I have had a lot on my plate of life. New baby 16 months ago, growing a great business for Sitka here in the Eastern part of Canada along with a few trips here and there along the way. It's been quite a ride!

Now that I have that out of the way, let's talk salmon and more specifically salmon for the 22 season. This past winter we had incredible amounts of snow fall over the Gaspe Peninsula. Over 18 feet in some places, and no, that is not a typo! On this date, May 25th which is the opening day for a few of our rivers here, there is still up to 6 feet of snow in some parts of the Chic Choc mountains. Needless to say, the Cascapedia is running high and dirty at the moment but it looks like we will be able to fish as flow models show we should have high but not too high of water the first week of June.

The good news is, the fish are already migrating. We had a late May Full Moon this year and the fish seem to have arrived on that one rather than the June moon. For those of you coming early, this is good news, just as long as we do not get a pile of rain to keep us off the river. We are for sure expecting a bit higher than normal conditions so, make sure you have a few sink tips with you and some larger bright flies to swing if the water is high, dirty and cold. For those of you who don't use sink tips often, remember to use a fairly short tippet or leader at the end. No more than say, 20-30 inches. If your tippet or leader is too long, it will defeat the purpose of using the sink tips.

I will make another entry soon but in the meantime, I want to wish each and every one of you a fantastic angling season!

Screaming reels to you all




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